Sadly, these turtles are threatened by the loss of nesting and
feeding habitats, excessive eggcollection, fisheries bycatch, pollution, coastal
development, and global climate change. And despite many national laws and
protection, illegal wildlife trade is the most important factor for diminishing
number of turtles. Global numbers are very difficult to estimate but it appears
that the hawksbill turtle has suffered a drastic decline, probably by as much
as 80 percent over the last century. They are highly sought after for their
beautiful brown and yellow carapace plates that are manufactured into
tortoiseshell items for jewellery and ornaments, and hatchlings have also been
sold on the black market as aquarium pets.
Thankfully, actions are taken to save the world's marine turtles by
many international bodies with careful monitoring of populations and a decrease
in illegal trade, Hawksbills may respond well to long-term protection. So if
anyone spot turtle hatchlings on ECP remember to call NParks and help to rescue
these cute turtles!
National Parks, "What you need to know about Hawksbill
Turtles." Accessed September 17, 2014.
Wildscreen Arkive, "Hawksbill turtle." Accessed September 17,
World Wildlife Fund, "Hawksbill Turtle." Accessed September
17, 2014.
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